IBM Twinax-Terminals Overview

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IBM created numerous Twinax-Terminals in the course of the lifetime of the systems supporting Twinax, and the 5250 data stream:

It's important to know that the 5250 data stream supports only two display modes:[1]

  • 24 lines, 80 characters each, programmatically named *DS3,
  • 27 lines, 132 characters each, programmatically named *DS4.

The following table lists (once) available terminals, and features.

Model Modes Screen Remarks
Maj Min
3179 200, 220[2] 24×80 14" RGB Color This device is said to be plug-compatible with the 5292 model 1.
3180 1[3] 24×80, 27×132 15" Green  
3196 A10 24×80 Green  
B10 Amber
3197 C10 24×80    
D10 24×80, 27×132  
D40 15" Green
3476 24×80    
3477 HAX 24×80, 27×132 14" Amber Supports up to two display sessions, and one printer session.
HGX 14" Green
HCX 14" RGB Color *DEVD: 3477-FC.
HDX 15" Green  
HWX 14" White
3486 BAX 24×80 14" Amber Has a PS/2 mouse connector. Supports up to two display sessions, and one printer session. *DEVD: 3486-BA. Supports Extended Data Stream.
BGX 14" Green
3487 HAX 24×80, 27×132 15" Amber Has a PS/2 mouse connector. Supports up to two display sessions, and one printer session. Supports Extended Data Stream.
HCX 14" RGB Color
HGX 15" Green
HWX 15" White
3488 24×80, 27×132 None External Monitor via VGA-Connector. Supports up to four display sessions, and one printer session. Supports Extended Data Stream.
3489 24×80, 27×132 None External Monitor via VGA-Connector. Supports GDDM graphics. Supports Extended Data Stream.
5251 1 or 11 24×80 Green  
2 or 12     Integrates a remote workstation controller.[4]
5291 24×80    
5292 2 24×80   Supports GDDM graphics.



  1. Position 1 of lines is almost always unused, because the invisible display attribute character needs one position of space. This is also the reason that different elements, or the same element with different display attributes need one space between them.
  2. 200 = 122-key Typewriter Keyboard, 220 = IBM Enhanced Keyboard.
  3. Model 1 is 3270 Coax, Model 2 is 5250 Twinax.
  4. Example: IBM 5294, or 5394. This is a twinaxial device to share a leased or switched line with many twinax devices.